Glossary of Buddhist words/Glossary of devotional words
Arigato gozaimasu
Arigato gozaimasu is a greeting exchanged among HBS members which originally meant ‘that it is difficult for a thing to exist or happen’, ‘a thing is rare’ and ‘that a thing should not be taken for granted.
We are extremely fortunate to have obtained our human body and to have come into contact with the Buddha’s holy teachings. Therefore, we, HBS followers have exchanged the greeting ‘Arigato gozaimasu’ with a sense of gratitude and joy to the Fine Dharma.
Nissen Shonin stated in his writing;
‘Reflect on yourself as a sinful existence. Had you not encountered the Dharma, how would you have received the great mercy of the Buddha? So, we should always say ‘Arigato gozaimasu’ looking back on our lives.’